Volunteer Jobs Matching Service

This section of the site aims to help communities to match the jobs that need doing with people who are willing to do them. It provides a link to a tool that can be used to join up all of the organisations that work in a geographical area. A quick check will show you what the organisations would like from their volunteers in terms of time commitment, skills and knowledge. You will also find contact details of the relevant person who is organising the work. You can then contact them and make arrangements.

If your community or organisation would like to join giveabit and use the Volunteer Jobs Match service, please use the queries and suggestions form below. You will then be given the Volunteer Match document and you will be able to amend it to your community's specific requirements then send it back to be published on giveabit.

    Queries and suggestions

Paricipating Communities

Newstead Village, Nottinghamshire.

Please click the link below and click 'Open' to access information about volunteer jobs in Newstead Village.
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